Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another season is here.

Spring is well on it's way here in Pennsylvania. The daffodils and crocus are done blooming. So it the magnolia tree. The peonies- my absolute favorites- are growing like weeds!! The birds keep us entertained with lots of courting songs. It's definitely my favorite time of year here. There is nothing better than sitting on the porch, watching the kids play and enjoying the weather.

Tammy and I are both creating as we go. I made a few rosettes for the shop- they are SO much fun to make. I love them, especially the little boy!! LOL.

My next goal is to hook up my scanner- yeah, the one I got for Christmas- and scan some old family photos. I can' wait to make keepsakes for my family. I am hoping that I'll be able to figure out how to make collage sheets too. Some of my family members were pretty darned cute!

I hope that you are enjoying spring, where ever you are. Let us know what you're up to.

hugs- Lee

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Missing my friend.

Tammy and I live so far away from each other. When she lived in Canada, she was actually closer than she is now. We will be heading down in June for vacation, but it can't arrive soon enough!!

Miss you!!

Friday, April 4, 2008


Thank you to our customers, for buying these beautiful things for their nests. We hope you continue to come back often!

XO- Lee and Tammy

Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring is here.

The flowers are finally starting to bloom- to come into their own. Tammy and I have been doing the same- we are busy with our creative thinking caps on, coming up with things we love. And things you'll love.

In an effort to be both artsy and green, we've been scouring thrift stores and flea markets to find good to reuse and recyle. There' s nothing more satisfying that the "ah ha! I know what I can do with that!" moment.

We're working our feathery tails off, and here are some of our latest creations. We hope you enjoy them, and can use them to feather your own nest!

Both of these pretty glass dome cloches were cheese boards in their previous lives. I sanded them down and gave each one a new coat of paint. Aren't these just the perfect things to display your goodies?

hugs- Lee

Monday, March 24, 2008

Buttons and Beads

As we have mentioned in our previous posts, we are building a button and bead inventory to make some one of a kind jewelry. The "Birds" have been gathering some pieces from various places and will continue to tap into some found resources. We have also been searching for some unusual beads and metal findings to go along with these vintage buttons. I have taken a few photos today so you can see some of these unusual buttons, before they are strung into future earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

This is an old metal button with a victorian era lady and gentleman.

These 4 buttons are made of glass and are hand painted. They were made in Czech. by a button maker in the 1920's. They are actually brand new samples.

These pretty pink, glass buttons came from a source in Belgium. She found these in France and are from the early 1900's. They are exquisite.

This grouping is from various sources, but are some of my favorites.

Be sure to check back and visit the "birds" to see what we have made with these beautiful finds.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well, it's almost officially Spring... halleluja! The bluebirds have been here for awhile, and the robins arrived a week or two ago. I even heard some spring peepers last night! I love that sound. It reminds me of living at home, with the creek and pond nearby, and all of the croaky, gurgly sounds that went with them. My crocus, hyacinth, tulips and daffodils are starting to bloom. My lovely peonies are peeking their sleepy heads up. So are the irises. Wow- how I love to garden! I may even give a vegetable garden a try this year, but with all of the deer around here, it's kind of a gamble. If anyone out ther has some tips, send them my way!

Easter is fast approaching this weekend. The boys have the cutest outfits and fresh haircuts. Add something fresh to your home and head on over to the shoppe and grab some goodies- most of which have been marked down.

Tammy and I are working furiously to get our inventory up. We're both trying new things- fabric transfers for me and jewelry for her. Mother's Day will keep us busily crafting!

Happy Easter and Spring to all of you out there!

hugs- Lee

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Easter Bunnies Are Here!

Spring has sprung at the Birds Shoppe! We have been busy crafting and creating the loveliest Easter treats. With vintage bunnies and chicks in some yummy pastel shades, we are sharing our hand-made treasures to make your Easter extra special. Hop on over to our Birds of a Feather Shoppe and our Etsy Shoppe to get these sweet treats for your little nest!

Fill these hanging baskets with all kinds of treats for your Easter bunnies and chicks.

Greet your family and friends this Easter with this sweet Egg Tree. Add your favorite cards and treats for your own Easter creation. Enjoy this hand painted tree all year round by changing and adding goodies for each holiday and special occasion in your home.

Or send this vintage Easter bunny Tag to a friend to remind them that you are thinking of them this Easter Season.

Thank you for Visiting Birds of a Feather. We wish you and your families a very Happy Easter. May it be filled with beautiful things and wonderful memories.