Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well, it's almost officially Spring... halleluja! The bluebirds have been here for awhile, and the robins arrived a week or two ago. I even heard some spring peepers last night! I love that sound. It reminds me of living at home, with the creek and pond nearby, and all of the croaky, gurgly sounds that went with them. My crocus, hyacinth, tulips and daffodils are starting to bloom. My lovely peonies are peeking their sleepy heads up. So are the irises. Wow- how I love to garden! I may even give a vegetable garden a try this year, but with all of the deer around here, it's kind of a gamble. If anyone out ther has some tips, send them my way!

Easter is fast approaching this weekend. The boys have the cutest outfits and fresh haircuts. Add something fresh to your home and head on over to the shoppe and grab some goodies- most of which have been marked down.

Tammy and I are working furiously to get our inventory up. We're both trying new things- fabric transfers for me and jewelry for her. Mother's Day will keep us busily crafting!

Happy Easter and Spring to all of you out there!

hugs- Lee

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