Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring is here.

The flowers are finally starting to bloom- to come into their own. Tammy and I have been doing the same- we are busy with our creative thinking caps on, coming up with things we love. And things you'll love.

In an effort to be both artsy and green, we've been scouring thrift stores and flea markets to find good to reuse and recyle. There' s nothing more satisfying that the "ah ha! I know what I can do with that!" moment.

We're working our feathery tails off, and here are some of our latest creations. We hope you enjoy them, and can use them to feather your own nest!

Both of these pretty glass dome cloches were cheese boards in their previous lives. I sanded them down and gave each one a new coat of paint. Aren't these just the perfect things to display your goodies?

hugs- Lee

1 comment:

The Other Side of Me said...

These are beauties. Nice Job. I love the cream colored one. The base is so great and so ready for some lovelies.